Posted by: w00107746 | January 29, 2008



My fellow students activists,

I’ve got some great news for you guys, things are progressing pretty quickly. The Wire is running an article on what we are trying to accomplish. Since you are all beautiful people, and it is you who really deserve the credit for making this possible, we thought it would be great to have everyone in the photograph for the article. This is a great opportunity to show your support for what we are trying to accomplish. If you are available we’re meeting the photographer outside the Mars building at 5 o’clock, tomorrow, Wednesday the 30th.

In other news we turned in the letter to the president yesterday. It stressed our concern over the Mars corporation’s business practices and how we want the whole school to be aware of the issue. He has yet to get back to us.

Today Ryan Patch, Julia Bolt, and I met with Dean Vereene to talk about what we are doing. She was very receptive to what we are trying to do and gave us a lot of suggestions as to how we should go about getting Mars to agree to fair trade. Right now the major course of action is to have the week of valentine’s day be a kind of awareness week. Dean Vereene even suggested we have professors discuss the issue in their classes. I’ll be working with some of you individually in the near future to set up things we can do during this week, such as a petition, protest art, information distribution, and other awareness raising activities.

If everything works as it should all of Wheaton should be aware of the issues of child labor and fair trade and how we are directly influenced by them. Then we can can influence the Mars family to make positive change and better the lives of millions.


Thank you all for being a part of this,

Caleb Goodhouse

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